The Tower


Nestled in the deep breathing green

Like the egg of the runner duck

In the heath, yet safe 

From the fox and the weasel, and 

Removed from the nearby oaks,

You stand in your stoic glory,

Cloaked by the earthsmoke,

Water lovingly relinquished

For the sake of the mystery,

Like the stories hidden in the 

Ground beneath your unmoving feet. 

I will come back to you.

The Tower


Nestled in the deep breathing green

Like the egg of the runner duck

In the heath, yet safe 

From the fox and the weasel, and 

Removed from the nearby oaks,

You stand in your stoic glory,

Cloaked by the earthsmoke,

Water lovingly relinquished

For the sake of the mystery,

Like the stories hidden in the 

Ground beneath your unmoving feet. 

I will come back to you.